Lesson Program

Update coming soon!


We encourage all of our students to bond with our horses, so before and after the lesson you can set aside some time to groom, clean tack, and enjoy the barn. We teach horsemanship in our program, so in addition to riding you will learn all of the basic (and the not-so-basic!) horse care essentials, including grooming, tacking, leading/handling, lunging, bandaging, and much more. We want everyone in our program to know as much as possible about how to tend to our wonderful equine partners. 

A View Into Our Program


The success of any training program can be found in the day-to-day operations.  If you do not own your own horse, than scroll down for lesson information. If you keep your horse in training with us, here is what you can expect:

  • Routine: All of our horses are in full training, and have a schedule tailored specifically to their needs and the needs of their riders. Horses are creatures of habit, and they gain confidence and trust when we establish feeding, riding, and care programs that they understand and look forward to.

  • Daily Turnout: We are strong believers that horses should live as nature intended, spending ample time walking, foraging, and basking in the sun.

  • Euro Walker (optional): This is especially helpful for older and younger horses, or horses who do not move around or play during their daily turnout. Motion is lotion for the joints, so we try to keep our horses moving.

  • Supervised Care: Our staff looks over each horse daily to check for any heat, swelling, cuts, etc. Prevention is key, but a good program will catch ailments early, and treat them quickly and efficiently, to keep you getting as many good rides as possible on a happy, healthy horse. In addition, we like to teach our clients how to manage their horses safely and correctly, so we provide horse care training along the way to help develop confident, independent equestrians.

  • Lessons/Training: Our monthly program includes up to four lessons or training rides per week, catered specifically to the goals of each horse and rider. To learn more about our training philosophy, click here.

  • Grain/Supplements: In addition to the quality grass hay and alfalfa fed twice a day by the facility, we also feed grain and supplements as needed. Our staff and team veterinarian will help come up with the perfect nutrition program for your horse, based on their performance level and work load.

  • Night Checks/Blanketing: Many programs overlook this, but do you really want your horse wearing his heavy blanket while it is still warm outside? And who checks on the horses at night? At Core Equestrian, we have additional staff to perform regular night checks, as well as blanket later in the day in the warmer Fall and Spring seasons.