Core Equestrian
We like to say that not all of our students jump, but all of them do dressage! At Core Equestrian we have a wonderful mix of dressage, jumper, and equitation riders. To make a talented dressage or jumping horse, we focus on the pushing and collecting muscles required at higher levels of competition. This type of development has been established by the world’s best riders, who share the same philosophy that has helped develop our program: Walter Zettle, Charles de Kunffy, and Anthony Paalman, to name a few.
The key to our success has been finding out how the horse prefers to work, and what makes him happiest. This involves getting him comfortable in his training and, equally important, his mind and body. Ample time to move around, a versatile work schedule, good diet, and a team that focuses on preventative soundness are the secrets to our success. Not surprisingly, these are the same requirements of any athlete, but these sometimes get overlooked in the equine industry. If your horse is comfortable and happy, he will do his job with vigor and enthusiasm!
Rider development is somewhat different. We aim to create independent equestrians, who have a strong knowledge of horsemanship and can handle different situations that may arise over a lifetime around horses. Whether you aim to be victorious in your next show, or improve a concept at home, our team caters to individual requirements to help you learn and develop. We not only encourage our riders to attend clinics and symposiums, but we often recommend literature to help expand a concept that we are working on in your daily lessons. All of these help to develop your understanding of the sport and help reach your goals.
For more information about our program, click here.
Confidence. Responsibility. Patience. These may seem like general terms, but these are the building blocks of a strong, capable individual. At Core Equestrian, our students learn every aspect of horse care required, all in a positive environment focused on teamwork and collaboration to help inspire results. Some of our best compliments have been from parents who were so grateful to have found our program for their kids; kids who took these life lessons and applied them to other areas as they matured into capable teenagers and adults. The indirect results of success obtained by hard work and determination are too numerous to count, and we would love to share these experiences with the next generation!
To get your child signed up for training, contact us by clicking here.